About Life in B Major

I write stories of YOUR lives as I am a young entrepreneur that trying to deal with the hypocrisy of business, the perils of women, and deciphering the facade of people as they try to manipulate, screw, and extort you ... its a cold world out there, so I can only try to 'play' out my Life in B Major (witty huh?)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Free the Airwaves (sponsored by AdSense)

Free the Airwaves
Google's push from the clouds

If you think that Google is a search engine company, you are sadly mistaken - Google is essentially an advertising agency. Google provides free services such as its search engine, gmail, documents, picasa, and a plethora of others. Google then places ads in their free services through its advertising program named 'AdSense'; it has proven to be a successful model, and has driven Google's stock to almost $400 a share.

The web, Google has conquered - hands down. Now Google has its site on not only increasing their market share with web applications, but they are also developing an open source OS platform for wireless devices. Dubbed 'Android', this wireless device OS will utilize Google's technology and will allow Google to stream AdSense ads to mobile devices. Of course, Android will connect with Google's other established services such as Google Documents (Word, excel), Picasa (photo management), and of course web searching/surfing. The hurdle that Google faces is whether to build their own mobile device or convince established mobile device manufacturers (Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, et cetera) to use their OS. One thing that the Google OS will have to facilitate is heavy data usage; as content/data will all be pushed from the 'cloud' to the device. Enter Google's sponsorship about 'freeing the airwaves':


From : freetheairwaves.com

About freeing the airwavesOne of America's most valuable natural resources is our "white spaces" -- the radio airwaves, or spectrum, that have long carried analog TV signals. Three-fourths of the white spaces are completely unused today, and -- especially once TV is broadcast in digital only starting in 2009 -- could be used to kick-start a revolution in wireless technology, including universal wireless online access and numerous new products and services that can't even be imagined today.

This fall, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will decide whether to make this spectrum available for anyone to use. At Google, we think more open access to the white spaces is essential, not only for companies like ours, but for society in general. But this outcome is far from certain, so we've joined a broad coalition of public interest groups and industry peers who are working to convince the FCC to free the airwaves and unleash the next generation of Internet innovation. We hope you'll add your voice to the debate by signing our petition and helping spread the word about this campaign.


No doubt, that Google is interested in new products that can stream its AdSense in the new white spectrum.

For more info, and to voice your concern go to:http://freetheairwaves.com

.:: d.b ::.


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